Peh-Kee-Weh-Mi-Kan (Coming Home)

The PEH-KEE-WEH-MI-KAN: Coming Home documentary is part of a health and wellness knowledge bundle created as a source of empowerment for Indigenous people in northern Manitoba. Indigenous people have experienced direct impacts of colonial policies like assimilation, Canada's Residential School system, the 60's Scoop, and the continuing child welfare system.

From within the Ininew language, Peh-Kee-Weh-Mi-Kan is described as a force, returning to or reawakening amongst the people. It's a spiritual connection to language, identity, culture and tradition. Artist Jasyn Lucas (Cree) was invited by Keewatin Tribal Council to paint thirty three images reflecting Dene and Ininew teachings. These graphics are tied together with interpretations by Elders and Knowledge Keepers at community gatherings at Mile 20 and University College of the North, Thompson MB in 2017.

** a production **
Executive Producer | Keewatin Tribal Council
Producer and Director | Jesse Green
Director and Writer | Vanda Fleury-Green
Cinematographer | Reil Munro
Run Time | 60 mins

Unite Interactive